Toll Road

Jombang - Mojokerto

Jombang - Mojokerto

Toll Road - PT Marga Harjaya Infrastruktur
(ASTRA Infra Toll Road Jombang-Mojokerto)

In August 2011, ASTRA Infra acquired 100% share of PT Marga Harjaya Infrastruktur (ASTRA Infra Toll Road Jombang-Mojokerto) the concession holding company for the 40.5 km Jombang - Mojokerto toll road. As part of the Trans-Java toll road, MHI plays an important role as a link between East Java and Central Java. This toll road has became operational in stages.

The 14.7 km long section 1 became operational in October 2014, followed by the 5 km section 3 operating in November 2016, and the 19.9 km long Section 2 in September 2017. The 0.9 km has been operated in December 2018 in conjunction with the Solo-Kertosono toll road.

In total, the Jombang-Mojokerto toll road has 3 toll gates, namely Jombang toll gate (in Pesantren Village, Tembelang Sub-district, Jombang, East Java), Bandar toll gate (in Kayen Village, Bandarkedungmulyo Sub-district, Jombang), and West Mojokerto toll gate (in Pagerluyung Village, Gedeg Sub-district, Mojokerto, East Java).


Toll Road
Surabaya - Mojokerto


Toll Road
Surabaya - Mojokerto