Highlights of Our Activity

ASTRA Infra has implemented various corporate actions reflecting with its visions and missions, which is to become the largest and most-sought private sector infrastructure investor-operator in Indonesia. Here are the highlights of ASTRA Infra’s corporate actions.

Media Gathering Lebaran Semakin Berseri

Subang (4/4). Menghadapi prediksi lonjakan kenaikan arus mudik tahun ini, ASTRA Infra Group menunjukkan komitmen dan kesiapan untuk mendukung kelancaran perjalanan mudik melalui kampanye Lebaran Semakin Berseri.

Pada acara Hybrid Media gathering yang disiarkan langsung dari Kantor MO Subang Tol Cipali, Group CEO ASTRA Infra Firman Yosafat Siregar mengatakan, “Tidak adanya penerapan PPKM dan kondisi perekonomian yang semakin membaik, diprediksi menyebabkan tingginya lonjakan pergerakan masyarakat di masa mudik tahun ini. Sebagai salah satu penyedia infrastruktur publik jalan tol, ASTRA Infra berkomitmen memberikan ikhtiar terbaik mendukung momen mudik 2023 melalui kampanye Lebaran Semakin Berseri.”

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Group COO ASTRA Infra, Kris Ade Sudiyono menyampaikan berbagai ikhtiar yang dilakukan ASTRA Infra dalam mempersiapkan layanan mudik lebaran serta ajakan kepada masyarakat agar dapat merencanakan perjalanan mudik dengan bijak.

“Pada momen Lebaran Semakin Berseri ini, selain mempersiapkan konektivitas infrastruktur yang lebih baik dan inovasi teknologi, kami juga ingin mengajak masyarakat untuk merencanakan dan mempersiapkan perjalanan mudik dengan bijak menghindari puncak arus mudik dan balik,” ujar Kris. Mendukung layanan infastruktur konektivitas dalam mengantisipasi adanya lonjakan arus mudik Lebaran 2023, ASTRA Infra melalui 8 Badan Usaha Jalan Tol (BUJT) memastikan setiap ruas jalan tol yang dikelola dalam kondisi baik, termasuk kondisi jalan dan kualitas marka jalan.

Di Ruas tol Tangerang-Merak dilakukan penambahan lajur ke-3 ruas Cikande – Serang Timur dari KM 51 hingga KM 72, alih fungsi gerbang tol Gerbang Tol Balaraja Timur Lama yang tidak berfungsi menjadi parking bay di KM 36, serta penambahan kapasitas parkir di Rest Area KM 43 dan KM 68 arah Merak yang akan digunakan sebagai area rekayasa lalu lintas untuk menghindari kepadatan di Pelabuhan Merak. Sedangkan di ruas Tol Cikopo – Palimanan dilakukan pelebaran lajur ke-3 dari KM 72 hingga KM 85, Rest Area KM 86, KM 101, KM 102, dan KM 130 arah Jakarta dan Cirebon serta penambahan kapasitas area parkir di Rest Area KM 130 A dan B, KM 86 A dan B.

ASTRA Infra Group juga telah menyiapkan lebih dari 1300 satuan tugas (SATGAS) Lebaran 2023, yang telah kick off secara nasional melalui Apel Gelar Pasukan yang dipusatkan di Tol Cikopo- Palimanan. Sedangkan untuk Layanan keamanan dan kenyamanan telah disiapkan total 36 armada patroli, 48 armada derek, 12 kendaraan rescue, 21 ambulans serta petugas call center yang selalu siaga 24 jam. Total lebih dari 800 Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) yang terpasang di sepanjang jalan tol ASTRA Infra akan memantau kondisi trafik. Selain petugas layanan yang sigap membantu pengguna jalan tol, akan ada live report yang secara berkesinambungan melaporkan situasi terkini kondisi lapangan.

Untuk kenyamanan di rest area, selain persiapan fasilitas, juga akan dilakukan rekayasa lalu lintas di beberapa rest area serta melakukan himbauan kepada pemudik untuk bijak memanfaatkan waktu saat berada rest area.

Sedangkan untuk menghindari kepadatan yang mungkin terjadi di rest area, Kris mengimbau kepada pengguna jalan tol untuk mempersiapkan diri dengan mengisi bahan bakar dan uang elektronik sebelum memasuki jalan tol. Bila terjadi kepadatan di rest area, kami menyarankan agar pengguna jalan dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas istirahat di jalan arteri sebelum kemudian kembali ke jalan tol untuk meneruskan perjalanan.

Untuk mendukung kelancaran mudik lebaran, ASTRA Infra juga secara aktif menyampaikan pesan kepada masyarakat melalui berbagai saluran komunikasi dan jaringan komunitas. ASTRA Infra juga bekerjasama dengan pemangku kepentingan terkait untuk mewujudkan perjalanan mudik yang aman dan nyaman.

ASTRA Infra senantiasa mengimbau pengguna jalan untuk selalu mematuhi rambu-rambu lalu lintas dan mengikuti arahan petugas di lapangan. Memeriksa kendaraan sebelum digunakan, menjaga tubuh tetap fit dan tidak dalam keadaan mengantuk atau lelah ketika berkendara, mematuhi batas kecepatan di jalan tol. Mari bersama memanfaatkan momentum mudik lebaran dengan bijak, mematuhi protokol kesehatan, serta mengutamakan keselamatan berkendara, yang merupakan bagian dari ikhtiar bersama untuk negeri.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi ;
Danik Irawati, Head of Corporate Communications
Tel: 021- 5082 1982
Email : [email protected]
Instagram @astra.infra
YouTube ASTRAInfra
Tentang ASTRA Infra

ASTRA Infra adalah kelompok usaha yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai investor operator di bidang infrastruktur. ASTRA Infra yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh PT Astra International Tbk ini, memiliki 3 lini bisnis yaitu Toll Road Infrastructure, Logistics Infrastructure dan Infrastructure Solutions.

Lini bisnis Toll Road Infrastructure dan Infrastructure Solutions berada di bawah PT Astra Tol Nusantara, sedangkan lini bisnis Logistics Infrastructure berada di bawah PT Astra Nusa Perdana.

ASTRA Infra melalui PT ASTRA Tol Nusantara memiliki saham secara langsung maupun tidak langsung di 8 Badan Usaha Jalan Tol (BUJT) yaitu ASTRA Infra Toll Road Tangerang-Merak, ASTRA Infra Toll Road Jombang-Mojokerto, ASTRA Infra Toll Road Cikopo-Palimanan, TMJ (Semarang-Solo), JSM (Surabaya-Mojokerto), JPM (Pandaan-Malang), MTN (Kunciran-Serpong) dan MLJ (JORR I W2N). Sedangkan PT ASTRA Nusa Perdana saat ini mengelola PT Pelabuhan Penajam Banua Taka (ASTRA Infra Port Eastkal) yang diakuisisi ASTRA Infra pada tahun 2013.

Seiring dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan infrastruktur serta tantangan industri yang semakin besar, maka pada tahun 2018, ASTRA Infra telah mengembangkan unit bisnis di jasa layanan yaitu ASTRA Infra Solutions (AIS) layanan pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan jalan tol dan Resta layanan pengelolaan tempat istirahat di jalan tol.

Wednesday April 5th, 2023 Events

Media Gathering ASTRA Infra Group Nataru ASRI BERSERI

Group CEO ASTRA Infra Firman Yosafat Siregar (third from left) along with Group COO ASTRA Infra Krist Ade Sudiyono (forth from left) and Chief ASTRA Infra Solutions Ega N. Boga (second from left) shared the information regarding infrastructure, Nataru services, and “Nataru ASRI BERSERI” campaign on ASTRA Infra Hybrid Media Gathering, live streamed from Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road Subang MO Office on December 13th 2022.

Tuesday January 3rd, 2023 Events

Media Gathering ASTRA Infra Group Lebaran 2022 “Saatnya Kembali BERSERI”

CEO of Toll Road Business Group Krist Ade Sudiyono (forth from left) accompanied by Chief ASTRA Infra Solutions Ega N. Boga (third from left) along with Ir. Mahbullah Nurdin, MM from BPJT (fifth from left) and the Board of Directors from ASTRA Infra’s subsidiaries shared the information regarding infrastructure, Lebaran services, and “Saatnya Kembali BERSERI’ campaign on ASTRA Infra Hybrid Media Gathering, live streamed from Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road Subang MO Office.

Wednesday April 20th, 2022 Events

Signing of Pandaan-Malang Toll Road 49% Share Acquisition Agreement

ASTRA Infra completed the acquisition of 49% stake in PT Jasamarga Pandaan Malang (JPM), the operator of the 38.5 km Pandaan-Malang toll road.. Thus, JPM now owned by PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk - 51% and ASTRA Infra - 49%.

Djap Tet Fa Group CEO ASTRA Infra (second from left) accompanied by Kris Ade Sudiyono CEO of Toll Road Business Group ASTRA Infra (far left) taking a photo with Subakti Syukur President Director of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (third from left), Darwin Trisna Djajawinata Director PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (second from right) and Novel Arsyad, President Director of PT PP (Persero) Tbk (far right) in the Signing Ceremony of Sales Purchase Agreement of PT Jasamarga Pandaan Malang on December 30, 2021.

Thursday December 30th, 2021 Events

ASTRA Infra Participates in JORR I W2N Toll Road Business

The signing ceremony for the 100% shares acquisition of PT Jakarta Marga Jaya (JMJ), which is 51% owned by PT Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo (JIP) and 49% shares owned by PT Jaya Sarana Pratama (JSP). Thus, ASTRA Infra indirectly owns 35% shares of PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta (MLJ), which is a Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) for the JORR I W2 Toll Road.

Djap Tet Fa Group CEO of ASTRA Infra (fourth from left) accompanied by Kris Ade Sudiyono CEO of Toll Road ASTRA Infra (third from left) poses with Gunung Kartiko President Director of PT Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo (second from left), Frans S. Sunito President Director of Jakarta Toll Road Development (fifth from left) at the Ceremony of the signing of the acquisition of 100% shares of PT Jakarta Marga Jaya (JMJ) by ASTRA Infra

Wednesday October 27th, 2021 Events

Groundbreaking of Kertajati International Airport Access Toll Road

The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, and Board of Directors ASTRA Infra Group attended the Groundbreaking of Kertajati International Airport Access Toll Road construction. The access connects Kertajati International Airport directly to Cikopo – Palimanan (Cipali) dan Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan (Cisumdawu) tol road. The existence of this toll road access is expected to facilitate connectivity boost economic activity in the area.

Tuesday September 7th, 2021 Events

ASTRA Infra acquired an Additional Share in JORR I W2N Toll Road

The signing ceremony for the additional 14% shares acquisition of PT Jakarta Marga Jaya (JMJ), Thus, ASTRA Infra indirectly owns 49% shares of PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta (MLJ), which is a Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) for the JORR I Ulujami-Kebon Jeruk.

Djap Tet Fa Group CEO ASTRA Infra (4th from left) with Kris Ade Sudiyono CEO Toll Road Business ASTRA Infra Group (2nd from left) and Firdaus Azis Director PT JMJ posed with Ari Wibowo President Director PT MLJ (left) and Bagus Cahya Arinta B. Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad Regional Division Head (right).

Tuesday June 29th, 2021 Events

Kick-off “Driving Safety Month” by ASTRA Infra Group

ASTRA Infra is campaigning the "Driving Safety Month" program by pursues a scheme called 3E (Engineering, Enforcement, and Education), The Kick-Off "Driving Safety Month" was held at Rest Area KM 102 ASTRA Tol Cikopo-Palimanan attended by the Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT), the Regional Police (Polda), and Korlantas Polri.

Monday September 21st, 2020 Events

Media Gathering of Christmas and New Year Holidays with ASTRA Infra

ASTRA Infra Group CEO, Djap Tet Fa (fifth from left) accompanied by CEO of Toll Road Business Group, Krist Ade Sudiyono (sixth from left) along with the Board of Directors and Directors of its Subsidiaries, take a picture together after sharing information on Christmas and the New Year 2020 (Nataru) service and the #Liburan SANTUI (Safe, Comfortable, Orderly, Updated and Informative).

Monday December 9th, 2019 Events

Inauguration of Kunciran-Serpong Toll by President of Indonesia Joko Widodo

Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurated the operation of Kunciran - Serpong Toll Road (Left to Right: Paulus Bambang Widjanarko Director of Astra International Tbk, Desi Arryani President Direktor of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, Budi Karya Sumadi Minister of Transportation, Joko Widodo President of Republik Indonesia, Basuki Hadimuljono Minister of Public Works and Housing, Wahidin Halim Governor of Banten, Airin Rachmi Diany Mayor of South Tangerang, Erick Thohir Minister for State Owned Enterprises.

Friday December 6th, 2019 Events

Signing of Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road 55% Share Acquisition Agreement

Signing ceremony for acquisition of 55% shares of PT Lintas Marga Sedaya (LMS), the Cikopo Palimanan toll concession holder, by Astra Infra and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) from Plus Expressways International Berhad (PEIB). Following the acquisition, LMS shares are owned 55% by Astra Infra and CPPIB 45%.

Seated (left to right): Dato` Mohamed Nasri Sallehuddin, SC Chiew, Dato` Noorazman Abd Aziz, Paulus Bambang W.S., Scott Lawrence. Standing (left to right): Firdaus Aziz, Kris Ade Sudiyono, Thomas Tan, Harman Faiz Habib Muhamad, Djap Tet Fa, Paul Bernath, Andrew Alley, Fajar Andi, Agung Prasetyo.

Thursday November 28th, 2019 Events

National Media Gathering

Media Gathering by ASTRA Infra group to socialise programmes to prepare for Lebaran traffic in ASTRA Infra Trans-Jawa toll roads along with break fasting.

Monday May 20th, 2019 Events

Signing of Surabaya-Mojokerto Toll Road Share Transfer Agreement

Group CEO ASTRA Infra, Djap Tet Fa (sixth right) and Board of Directors ASTRA Infra together with Board of Directors PT Moeladi and PT Wijaya Karya Tbk at signing ceremony of Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road share transfer agreement.

Friday May 17th, 2019 Events

Trans-Jawa Toll Inspiration Tour

Kick off of Trans-Jawa Toll Inspiration Tour together with journalists to visit Tangerang-Merak, Cikopo-Palimanan, Semarang-Solo, and Jombang-Mojokerto toll roads.

Sunday February 24th, 2019 Events

Inauguration of Jombang-Mojokerto Toll by President of Indonesia Joko Widodo

Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurated the operation of Astra Infra Toll Road Jombang-Mojokerto (Left to Right: Wiwiek D. Santoso President Director of PT Marga Harjaya Infrastructure, Basoeki Hadimuljono Minister of Public Works and Housing, President Joko Widodo, East Java Governor Soekarwo, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung).

Sunday September 10th, 2017 Events

Signing of Trans Marga Share Purchase, July 2015

President Director of PT Astratel Nusantara, Irawan Santoso, signed the transfer of SPJT shares in Trans Marga Jateng to Astratel in July 2016.

Friday July 1st, 2016 Events

Media Partner Visit to ASTRA Infra

Director of Astra Infra Wiwiek D. Santoso, accompanied by Public Relations PT MMS welcomed several national and local journalists from Tangerang on a media visit to Astra Infra office in Kuningan, Jakarta.

Thursday June 30th, 2016 Events

Introduction Astratel as Astra Infrastructure Company

Astra Infra board of directors introduced Astratel as Astra Infrastructure Company in a Media gathering.

Monday May 30th, 2016 Events

The establishment of PT Trans Bumi Serbaraja

PT Astratel Nusantara, as part of the BSD Consortium, signed the deed of establishment of PT Trans Bumi Serbaraja.

Monday May 23rd, 2016 Events

The inauguration of Astra Port and Logistics Centre as a Bonded Logistics Centre

President Director and President Commissioner of PT Pelabuhan Banua Taka Port (Astra Infra Port Eastkal) welcomes the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, at the inauguration of Astra Port and Logistics Centre as a Bonded Logistics Centre.

Sunday May 1st, 2016 Events

Astra Infra in synergy with PT MHI held breakfasting together with East Java media leader in Surabaya

At the completion of Section 3 of Jombang � Mojokerto, Director of PT Astra International Tbk Paulus Bambang Widjanarko (second left) was accompanied by the President Director of ASTRA Infra Toll Road Irawan Santoso (left), Vice Regent Mojokerto H. Pungkasiadi SH (third left), PT MHI commissioner Sugiono (third right), President Director of PT MHI Wiwiek D. Santoso (second right) and Kapolresta Mojokerto AKBP Nyoman Budiarja SIK.

Friday March 25th, 2016 Events

The visit of President Director of Astra International to PT TMJ

President Director of PT Astra Tol Nusantara, Irawan Santoso, accompanied the President Director of PT Astra International Tbk, Prijono Sugiarto on a visit to the PT TMJ toll road project in Semarang.

Monday March 14th, 2016 Events

Operation of Section 3 of Jombang – Mojokerto Toll Road

At the completion of Section 3 of Jombang � Mojokerto, Director of PT Astra International Tbk Paulus Bambang Widjanarko (second left) was accompanied by the President Director of ASTRA Infra Toll Road Irawan Santoso (left), Vice Regent Mojokerto H. Pungkasiadi SH (third left), PT MHI commissioner Sugiono (third right), President Director of PT MHI Wiwiek D. Santoso (second right) and Kapolresta Mojokerto AKBP Nyoman Budiarja SIK.

Wednesday February 24th, 2016 Events

Signing of the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Transfer Agreement

Director of PT Astra International Tbk Paulus Bambang Widjanarko (center), President Director of PT Astra Tol Nusantara Irawan Santoso (center), Director of Astra Tol Thomas Tan (left), Wiwiek D. Santoso (second right), and Rahmat Samulo (right) at the closing of the Cikopo - Palimanan toll share transfer agreement.

Saturday February 6th, 2016 Events

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Public Contribution

Our service was based on our customers needs, that include the answer to their problem, and what they care about the most. We are here to provide, with our expertise in the field.


Public Contribution

Our service was based on our customers needs, that include the answer to their problem, and what they care about the most. We are here to provide, with our expertise in the field.
