Our Portfolio

Connecting your life

ASTRA Infra continues to support the development of sustainable toll road infrastructure in Indonesia and has contributed to the total length of toll roads

396 KM

Connecting your life

ASTRA Infra continues to support the development of sustainable toll road infrastructure in Indonesia and has contributed to the total length of toll roads

396 KM


Toll Road

Pandaan - Malang

Toll Road

Surabaya - Mojokerto

Toll Road

Jombang - Mojokerto

Toll Road

Semarang - Solo

Toll Road

Cikopo - Palimanan

Toll Road

Ulujami - Kebon Jeruk

Toll Road

Kunciran - Serpong

Toll Road

Tangerang - Merak

Infrastructure Solutions

Resta Pendopo KM 456

Infrastructure Solutions

ASTRA Infra Solutions

ASTRA Infra Port

ASTRA Infra Port Eastkal

Infrastructure Solutions

Resta Pendopo KM 456

Infrastructure Solutions

ASTRA Infra Solutions

ASTRA Infra Port

ASTRA Infra Port Eastkal

Toll Road

Pandaan - Malang

Toll Road

Surabaya - Mojokerto

Toll Road

Jombang - Mojokerto

Toll Road

Semarang - Solo

Toll Road

Cikopo - Palimanan

Toll Road

Ulujami - Kebon Jeruk

Toll Road

Kunciran - Serpong